

  • 10
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 河北省 沧州 河间市 河北省河间市
  • 姓名: 鞠莲
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


    辰鹏水井油井用pdc 复合片钻头

  • 所属行业:超硬材料 超硬制品 钻头
  • 发布日期:2016-07-05
  • 阅读量:196
  • 价格:5000.00 元/件 起
  • 产品规格:8 1/2
  • 产品数量:100.00 件
  • 包装说明:木箱
  • 发货地址:河北沧州河间市  
  • 关键词:pdc钻头

    辰鹏水井油井用pdc 复合片钻头详细内容

    产品参数 Product Parameter
    钻头规格Bit Size	     8-1/2
    刀翼数Number of Blade	       6
    主切削齿规格Primary Cutter Size	 Φ16mm
    喷嘴数量/类型Nozzle Qty/Type	 6NZ
    保径长度Gauge Length
    排屑槽面积Junk Slot Area(in2)	 19.0
    连接扣型Connection	 4-1/2”API reg
    上扣扭矩Make up Torque(KN.m)	 24.1~26.5
    推荐操作参数 Operating Parameters
    转速Rotary Speed(rpm)	    60~260
    钻压Weight on Bit(KN)	    25~100
    较大钻压Max.WOB(KN)	    130
    排量Flow Rate(lps)	     22~35
    Features and Applications
    Use high-quality steel to make the base material ofPDC bit,the surface fo the blade weld high-performance wear-resi-stant materials,the use of computer software for the overall design of Arc-shaped doubie row of teeth,long paraboliccrown,longstraight blades shape structure.Cutting structure design using the force balance,cutters rational arrangeme-nt of different structures in different locations of the PDC bit,using high-quality cutting teeth,the maximum increaselocal equivalent density cutters cutting teeth,improve the resistance and PDC bit attack abrasive.The application of flu-id dynamics analysis and numerical simulation analysis techniques to the design of the hydraulicflow field,flutes andmaximizing waterway area,the larger the volume of over current help improve chip speed drill and anti-balling capacity.
    Suitabie for high compressive strength,with abrasive medium hard to hard formations,such as shale,limestone,anhydrite,sandstone and so on.IMG_1552
    产品参数Product Parameter
    产品规格Bit Size	8-1/2“x4”
    切削齿数量Total Cutters	30
    保径长度Gauge Length	1.8“
    连接扣型Connection	川7-4
    上扣扭矩Make up Torque(KN.m)	13.4~16.3
    主切削齿规格Primary Cutter Size	Φ13mm
    推荐参数Operating Parameters
    转速Rotary speed(rpm)	40~150
    钻压Weight on Bit(KN)	40~80
    较大钻压Max.WOB(kN)	90
    排量Flow Rate(lps)	10~30
    Features and Applications
    Which has a shallow parabolic profile and medium cutter density,designd for coring the medium hard formation.Utilizing different patented PDCcutters enhance the bits,s ability to drill in hard formations.
    Soft to medium hard formation with low compressive strength in terbedded with hard layers.rock type:Mudstone,limestone,anhydri
    欢迎来到河间市辰鹏石油钻井设备销售有限公司网站, 具体地址是河北省沧州河间市河北省河间市,联系人是鞠莲。 主要经营河间市辰鹏石油设备销售有限公司主营三牙轮钻头,pdc 钻头,组装钻头,复合片钻头及其他各种钻采配件,欢迎选购。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。 我公司主要供应三牙轮钻头,pdc,钻头,油井钻头,复合片钻头,钻采配件等,公司致力于市场的拓展与产品的开发,为用户提供优质的产品和完善的服务。如果你对我们公司的产品感兴趣,那就赶紧来电咨询订购吧!